Data Modeling and Analytics

Having complete ownership and control of your company's data – whether you're potentially looking to switch data providers or better understand your customers' purchasing journey – is paramount in our world of walled gardens and data overload. According to the Harvard Business Review, only 39% of executives believe their organizations manage data as an asset, 24% view their companies as data-driven, and only 13% of executives believe their organizations deliver on their data strategy.

MatrixPoint views data as your business' proprietary cost-cutting currency. Our analytical modeling identifies inefficiencies in everything from your HR headcount and staffing mandates to budget allocations across your vendors, and among active campaigns in real-time. We've helped businesses redeploy their data to understand their customers’ behavior better, strengthen sales numbers in underperforming markets and allocate each marketing dollar against profits.

Below is a sample of some of the ways we've helped companies activate the full potential of their data:

Personalized Brand Messaging

We use customer data analytics to create more precise and personalized marketing campaigns by understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and purchase history. MatrixPoint helps your business tailor your marketing messages to specific customer segments leveraging a targeted, scientifically modeled approach to statistically increase the likelihood of customer engagement, conversion, and repeat business, ultimately driving stronger brand performance.

Customer Segmentation and Targeting

MatrixPoint analysts apply linear and AI-driven statistical models to segment your customers based on shared characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. In further dimensionalizing your distinct customer segments, MatrixPoint tailors your company's products, services, and marketing strategies to better meet the needs of each customer group. The result is enhanced customer satisfaction and increases in the efficiency of marketing efforts.

Optimized Pricing Strategies

Statistically modeled insights can analyze customer purchasing patterns, market trends, and competitive pricing to derive a data-driven approach to optimize pricing strategies and set prices that maximize revenue while remaining competitive. MatrixPoint helps you introduce smart-tech pricing models based on real-time analytics providing the opportunity to adjust prices in real-time (f needed) based on demand and other market factors.

Supply Chain and Inventory Management

MatrixPoint's teams help you forecast demand, identify trends, and optimize inventory levels by leveraging analytics and statistical modeling to optimize your business's supply chain and inventory management. In ensuring the right products are available at the right time, you can minimize industry challenges like stockouts and ballooning carrying costs to enhance overall operational efficiency.

Customer Retention and Minimized Churn

MatrixPoint will assess and uncover the aspects influencing your customer retention and churn. In better understanding the indicators of customer's dissatisfaction, or the likelihood to choose a competing brand, you can proactively implement retention strategies. These could include targeted promotions, personalized communication, or improved customer support, ultimately doing more with less by effectively retaining your most valuable customers.

Cross-Selling and Upselling Opportunities

An effective customer analytics practice can also help you identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, doing more with less by better leveraging your business' existing offerings. MatrixPoint empowers your customers' purchase history and behavior to recommend complementary products or services by strategically presenting relevant offerings, increasing average transaction values, and maximizing revenue from your existing customers.

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