Marketing Consulting

We help you Achieve More by putting your customers at the center of your company’s marketing strategy – optimizing every element of your brand positioning and consumer messaging – and growing your overall business while increasing the value it realizes from its marketing investments.

MatrixPoint offers the insights needed to help your company realize its full sales and marketing potential. We don’t just assist your company in developing its go-to-market strategy, we help implement it throughout every facet of your business, providing the research, resources, and tools necessary to transform your sales and marketing efforts.

Areas which MatrixPoint can help your business garner maximum marketing efficiencies include:

Marketing Consulting

Strategic Alignment

We help companies to define clear targets and key marketing performance indicators (KPIs) for their campaign initiatives - whether they're audience-based, messaging-focused, or otherwise. Our ultimate goal, is to ensure that your marketing performance goals align with the overall business' strategy, revenue projections, and efficiency thresholds.

Process Design & Automation

MatrixPoint helps marketing departments elevate their processes and workflows to best enable its efforts. We excel at helping you do more with less by designing your systems to be as turnkey as possible - whether you're looking to offshore entire workstreams or automate a series of daily reports - saving you valuable time and resources without sacrificing the necessary “blocking and tackling” in your day-to-day tasks.

Resource Allocation

MatrixPoint can help you more effectively allocate resources (budget, time, and skill sets) for maximum efficiency, making sure that all internal processes you create can be supported and scaled as your marketing teams and overall business grow. We help you prioritize projects that represent the 'lowest hanging fruit' from a revenue realization perspective, while balancing a pipeline of longer-term initiatives and objectives at the same time.

Risk Management

MatrixPoint works with your internal teams to define risk tolerance levels for marketing investments, monitoring and managing risks associated with existing marketing programs and ongoing campaign engagements.

Ecommerce Consulting

We've worked with consumer brands from all over the world and have helped to achieve their business goals and improve how they operate their online business. Our eCommerce consultants & digital marketers analyze your current online business and strategically work with you to achieve your eCommerce and omnichannel objectives. Our team has significant experience in managing Shopify, Magento, Amazon, eBay and many other platforms that all lead to ensuring a successful launch or expansion of your current efforts.

Competitive Intelligence

Staying on top of what strategies and executional tactics your competitors are leveraging is a key to maintaining and growing your market share. MatrixPoint keeps you constantly informed of industry trends, competitive tactics, and upstart entrants to the landscape to help inform your brand's marketing approach and execution.

Marketing Technology

MatrixPoint has considerable experience working with Martech vendors and platforms to evaluate and recommend changes that will help create greater efficiencies and effectiveness. This includes machine learning, artificial intelligence, and automation to streamline your tech-focused marketing processes, freeing up bandwidth across team members allowing you to achieve more. 

CRM and Content Marketing

We believe that CRM and Content Marketing can be more effective than digital marketing tactics, and at MatrixPoint, we prove this belief through tangible results. Our verified team consists of experts with a wealth of experience delivering strategies and tactics that boost conversion rates at a more reasonable cost for our clients. MatrixPoint is committed to revolutionizing our clients’ marketing approach, leveraging the synergies between CRM and Content Marketing to drive unparalleled results and establish lasting relationships with your target audience.

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